Do Suspend or unsuspend a domain on a Plesk server via the command line

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Take a backup of psa database

plesk db dump psa > psa.sql

Suspend a domain via command line Plesk

 /usr/local/psa/bin/domain -u -status disabled

Unsuspend a Domain

Unsuspend domain via command line

/usr/local/psa/bin/domain -u -status enabled

You can do the same from Plesk using phpMyAdmin

Login Plesk Panel -> serveradmin -> tools -> database server -> local Mysql server -> choose folder databases ->click on the edit option of the corresponding domain > Update status =1 (to disable the account)

By directly editing the database from command line.

plesk db

mysql> use psa;

mysql> select * from domains;

Find out the ID of the domain which you want to disable or enable.

mysql> UPDATE `domains` SET `status` = '1' WHERE `domains`.`id` = 3;

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